Everything Guns
We review guns and gear that we have, would like to have and others that we just find interesting. We also will look at different self defense scenarios and discuss the good and bad of what happened. We will hit on a little of what is in the news concerning guns to include legislation that is being proposed and passed.
45 episodes
Home Alone (Almost Like The Movie) - Episode 45
Welcome to Everything Guns with your hosts David Smith & Jody Smith. This week we correct a name that Jody got wrong in the last episode, talk some 2A in the news, discuss some self defense uses we found and do a little gear review. Our web...
Season 3
Episode 4

My Brother Did It (Episode 44)
A little bit of everything in this episode. From 2A news, Self Defense Scenarios, gun & gear reviews and drama in USPSA. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to give us a review or just send us an email at info@clearcreekshooting33.com.
Season 3
Episode 3

Shot Show Edition 2025 - Episode 43
In this episode we focus mostly on what Jody saw at Shot Show 2025. We will discuss pistols, rifles, shotguns, some out of the ordinary firearms and a little gear. We do briefly look at what's in the news including the guy that got shot by his ...
Season 3
Episode 2

Shot in the FACE!! (Episode 42)
Happy New Year! It's 2025 and we start off the year with quite a few use of force scenarios, some 2A lawsuits and legislation in the news and a brief synopsis of Georgia gun laws. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review (...
Season 3
Episode 1

The Police Said It Was Unintentional (Episode 41)
Merry Christmas. This will probably be our last episode of 2024 and we would like to thank all our listeners for tuning in to each episode. It is very much appreciated. We end the year with some 2A legislation in the news, some self defense sce...
Season 2
Episode 23

Go Ahead and Shoot (Episode 40)
We are back. In this week's episode we give an update to the Daniel Penny case and the New York healthcare CEO shooting. We discuss some self defense scenarios and one of them gets pretty interesting. We talk a little USPSA and get into Delawar...
Season 2
Episode 22

Comment from Stupidville! (Episode 39)
Welcome back to Everything Guns. In this episode we break down self defense scenarios and discuss some stuff in the news. We look at the gun laws in Connecticut and go on a little bit of a rant about a comment we received. Hope you enjoy the ep...
Season 2
Episode 21

I Can't Dodge a Wrench, You Can't Dodge A Bullet! (Episode 38)
Welcome back to Everything Guns. In tonight's episode we break down some good and bad use of force scenarios. Talk a little gear and USPSA and discuss what to do during protests and civil unrest. Hope you enjoy the podcast and leave us a review...
Season 2
Episode 20

She Better Be Hot!
We got our hands on the Canik TTI and it is nice. We do a quick review of it and some other gear. We discuss a few things currently in the news and take a look at a few self defense scenarios and break them down. We finish the episode off with ...
Season 2
Episode 19

I Bet He'll Slow Down Next Time! (Episode 36)
In this weeks episode look at some use of force scenarios that have been in the news lately. We break them down and give our opinion if they were justified or not. We also talk a little gear and guns and discus some 2A stuff around the country....
Season 2
Episode 18

Please Call Back During Regular Business Hours (Episode 35)
We are back after being away for a few weeks and discuss quite a few topics in this week's episode. We do a little gear review on a digital scope, talk some on what is in the news and then analyze some use of force scenarios. We finish the epis...
Season 2
Episode 17

It's Your Party and I'll Shoot If I Want Too! (Episode 34)
Welcome to Everything Guns where we discuss 2A stuff in the news, use of force scenarios and other gun topics. We hope you enjoy the podcast and if you send us a review at info@clearcreekshooting33.com we will send you a shirt.
Season 2
Episode 16

Gear Up! Let's Go Sell A Car
Welcome back to Everything Guns. In this episode we have some use of force scenarios that will make the next family reunion a little tense. We review a little bit of gear and discuss some things happening in the news concerning the 2nd Admendme...
Season 2
Episode 15

He's In Hot Water Now! (Episode 32)
Road rage, road rage, road rage. Make's you want to ask 'Can't we all just get along?' :)In this episode we break down some self defense scenarios to include some road rage incidents. We update some stuff in the news and talk gun laws in Al...
Season 2
Episode 14

Did You Get My Text? (Episode 31)
We are back with more self defense scenarios, just a little bit of current news and we close with Tennessee gun laws. Hope you enjoy the episode.Send us an email at info@clearcreekshooting33.com and we will send you a shirt.
Season 2
Episode 13

No Gun For You, Come Back One Year! (Episode 30)
Welcome to the Everything Guns podcast. In this week's episode we have a few things from in the news and some use of force scenarios that we break down. We start our new segment this week (State gun laws) with Ohio up first. By the way, we are ...
Season 2
Episode 12

Did Someone Call an Uber? (Episode 29)
Welcome to the Everything Guns podcast. In this weeks episode we discuss some 2A stuff in the news including the latest on bump stocks. In our use of force segment we have a naked guy, a guy arrested for not making a statement and a guy providi...
Season 2
Episode 11

I Just Meant To Pistol Whip Him! (Episode 28)
Welcome to Everything Guns. A little shorter episode this week but we still discuss a few Use of Force Scenarios, we have some 2A news and a couple of gear reviews. Hope you enjoy the episode.
Season 2
Episode 10

She Went John Wick On Him! (Episode 27)
We are in Dallas, Tx for the 153 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits. In this episode we have more use of force scenarios to breakdown, some stuff in the news to discuss and we give our opinions and thoughts on the NRA show. Hope you enjoy this ...
Season 2
Episode 9

That's my work truck! (Episode 26)
Welcome to the post surgery episode of Everything Guns. We give an update on our recovery from the accident and then get into the important stuff. We discuss what's in the news concerning the 2nd Admendment and evaluate a number of ...
Season 2
Episode 8

I Thought I Broke My Leg (Episode 25)
We discuss a lot in this episode. From what's in the news concerning the second amendment to quite a few self defense scenarios to break down. We talk a little gear and go over the accident that we had at the range that left me with a broke col...
Season 2
Episode 7

Somebody's At The Door (Episode 24)
Welcome back to Everything Guns. This week we are back in the news with some updates and a few new things to discuss. In our gun review segment we have a couple guns that we took out to the rage that really surprised us. We have what will proba...
Season 2
Episode 6

Stop Pointing That At Me!
Welcome to EveryGuns. This week we have a lot of news to discuss, some gun and gear reviews and a few Use of Force scenarios. Check us out on Instagram (#EverythingGuns_Podcast) and on Youtube at ClearCreekShooting. Hope you enjoy the podcast.
Season 2
Episode 5

800 Rounds Per Second (Episode 22)
Welcome to the Everything Guns podcast. In this episode we discuss some stuff in the news that may make some of you angry. We also discuss some self defense scenarios and use our new criteria to grade them. We also review some gun and gears and...
Season 2
Episode 4

That Squirrel Tried to Kill Me! (Episode 21)
A lot has been going on the past couple of weeks in the news and with our favorite shooting organization. So much so that we are introducing a new segment to our podcast call Who's Dumber?. We also discuss some self defense scenarios and have s...
Season 2
Episode 3