Everything Guns
We review guns and gear that we have, would like to have and others that we just find interesting. We also will look at different self defense scenarios and discuss the good and bad of what happened. We will hit on a little of what is in the news concerning guns to include legislation that is being proposed and passed.
Everything Guns
Just Leave That Cart Anywhere - Episode 13
In this episode we discuss some testing with hay bails we did at our range and go over some self defense scenarios. We also have a couple gun reviews an give a brief update on the USPSSA drama. We are now on Instagram at ClearCreekShooting33 and EverythingGuns_Podcast. We are planning on uploading some videos that we shoot at our range and hopefully keep everyone updated on upcoming podcasts. Thanks for listening and hope you enjoy. Don't forget to shoot us an email at info@clearcreekshooting33.com and we will send you a free shirt.