Everything Guns
We review guns and gear that we have, would like to have and others that we just find interesting. We also will look at different self defense scenarios and discuss the good and bad of what happened. We will hit on a little of what is in the news concerning guns to include legislation that is being proposed and passed.
Everything Guns
You Ain't Getting My Money!
We are back with a fun packed episode of self defense scenarios, current news and USPSA updates. We also review the Smith & Wesson 380 EZ and a self healing rubber dummy that we are thinking about getting for the range. Don't forget if you email us at info@clearcreekshooting33.com we will send you a free shirt. Also, follow us on instagram at EverythingGuns_Podcast and ClearcreekShooting33. We are starting a youtube page Clear Creek Shooting (see link below if you can't find us using the search button). Hope you enjoy the episode.