Everything Guns
We review guns and gear that we have, would like to have and others that we just find interesting. We also will look at different self defense scenarios and discuss the good and bad of what happened. We will hit on a little of what is in the news concerning guns to include legislation that is being proposed and passed. #1410001
Everything Guns
Happy Holidays - Stop Shooting!
This is our last episode of 2023 and we want to thank everyone for listening. Don't forget if you would like an Everything Guns shirt send us an email at info.ClearCreekShooting33.com. In this episode we discuss a few self defense scenarios and if you have listened to previous episodes there is another road rage incident. We review some gear and guns and update on the USPSA drama (again). Once again we forgot to include our tip of the week so hopefully we are better with that in 2024. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.